Melablu Srl

Informazioni su Melablu Srl istanza di Odoo, il ERP open source.

Applicazioni installate

Dai preventivi alle fatture
Fatture e pagamenti
Monitoraggio contatti e chiusura di opportunità
Sito web
Creazione di siti web aziendali
Gestione del magazzino e delle attività logistiche
Gestione contabilità finanziaria e analitica
Ordini di acquisto, offerte e contratti
Punto vendita
Interfaccia POS facile da usare per negozi e ristoranti
Organizza e pianifica i progetti
Vendita di prodotti in rete
Ordini di produzione e distinte base
Marketing via e-mail
Creazione, invio e monitoraggio email
Fogli ore
Monitora i tempi attività del dipendente
Presentazione, conferma e rifatturazione delle note spese dei dipendenti
Crea e personalizza le tue applicazioni Odoo
Gestione documenti
Selezione del personale
Gestione dei canali di reclutamento
Informazioni centralizzate sui dipendenti
Automatic Backup (Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3, FTP, SFTP, Local)
Automatic Backup -(Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3, FTP, SFTP, Local)
Products/Items Total Number of Quantities
Ordered Products Total Number of Quantity Delivered Total Quantity Items Invoiced Count Total Received Quantities Billed Items Quantity of Total Total Number of Demand Product Quantities Sales Total Qty for Stock Picking Total Items of Quantity in Purchase
Riciclaggio dati
Cerca vecchi rendiconti ed archiviali/eliminali
Centralizza, gestisci, condividi e accresci la libreria delle tue conoscenze
Point Of Sale Discount || Point of sale Amount/Percentage discount
point of sale global discount line discount apply discount base on amount pos discount amount discount global discount price discount line price discount remove discount global auto calculate discount pos global discount pos line discount pos discount
Point Of Sale Order list
point of sale order management pos order tracking order list software retail order management pos order processing point of sale order tracking system efficient order lists for pos retail order fulfillment order management solutions pos transaction tracking streamlined pos orders point of sale inventory management order processing software pos sales order system point of sale order workflow retail pos order history order list optimization pos order automation e-commerce pos order system in-store order list solutions pos order list point of sale order list list orders list order
Point Of Sale Partial Payment
Manage Point of sale payments in partial payment pos partial payment point of sale partial payment payments get haff payment from customer show customer due amount customer credit display partial pos
Relationships & Data Model
odoo database architecture, odoo er diagram, Odoo Data Model: Models Relationships and Diagram - a game-changing Odoo addon that revolutionizes how you visualize Odoo models as elegant ER diagrams, er diagram, entity relation, relationship, data mode, data models, modelling, modeling, related columns, foreign key, primary key, one to one, one to many, many to one, many to many, one2one, one2many, many2many, schema powerbi, power bi, tableau, looker, bigquery, big query, dashboard, dashboard ninja, connector, connecter, relationship viewer, analyzer, dataset, database, model relationship, models.
All In One Backdate - Advance | Sale Backdate | Purchase Backdate | Accounting Backdate | Invoice Backdate | Inventory Backdate | MRP Backdate | Manufacturing Backdate
Backdate Remarks Confirmation Backdate Mass Backdate Sale Order Backdate Purchase Order Backdate Custom Backdate Bill Backdate Payment Backdate Picking Backdate Scrap Backdate All Inventory Backdate All Stock Transfer Backdate all backdate Odoo
All In One Cancel - Advance | All In One Cancel and Delete
Cancel Sale Order Cancel Quotation Cancel Purchase Order Cancel Request For Quotation Cancel POS Order Cancel MRP Order Cancel Invoice Cancel Payment Cancel Stock Picking Cancel Stock Moves Odoo Cancel Inventory Cancel Landed Cost Cancel HR Expense Cancel HR Expance Cancel Multiple Records Cancel Individual Records Cancel Scrap Orders Cancel Manufacturing Orders Cancel SO Cancel Quote Cancel PO Cancel RFQ Cancel Point Of Sale Orders Cancel Bill Cancel Account Cancel Acc Delete Sale Order Delete Quotation Delete Purchase Order Delete Request For Quotation Delete POS Order Delete MRP Order Delete Invoice Delete Payment Delete Stock Picking Delete Stock Moves Odoo Delete Inventory Delete Landed Cost Delete HR Expense Delete HR Expance Delete Multiple Records Delete Individual Records Delete Scrap Orders Delete Manufacturing Orders Delete SO Delete Quote Delete PO Delete RFQ Delete Point Of Sale Orders Delete Bill Delete Account Delete Acc
All in One Views
Show Incoming Order Lines Display Outgoing Order Lines Display Delivery Order Lines Show Shipment Line Views Show Purchase Order Lines Show Request For Quotation Lines Show Quotation Lines Show credit note lines Show debit note lines Show picking order lines Display credit note order lines Display debit note order lines Display picking order lines Display Sale Order Lines All In One Line Views Odoo Sale Order Line Views Sales Order Line Views Sale Line View Sales Line View SO Line Views Quotations Line Views Purchase Order Line Views Purchase Line View PO Line Views Picking Order Line Views Invoice Line View All Lines View Kanban View Pivot View Graph View Calendar View Search View Form View All in One lines View So kanban view Sale order kanban view Sale order form view So form view Sale order search view So search view Sale order pivot view So pivot view Sale order list view So list view Sale order graph view So graph view Purchase order list view Purchase order kanban view Purchase order form view Purchase order pivot view Purchase order search view Purchase order graph view PO list view PO kanban view PO form view PO pivot view PO search view PO graph view Invoice order list view Invoice order kanban view Invoice order form view Invoice order pivot view Invoice order search view Invoice order graph view Bill orders list view Bill order kanban view Bill order form view Bill order pivot view Bill order search view Bill order graph view Credit note order list view Credit note order kanban view Credit note order form view Credit note order pivot view Credit note order search view Credit note order graph view Debit note order list view Debit note order kanban view Debit note order form view Debit note order pivot view Debit note order search view Debit note order graph view RFQ order list view RFQ order kanban view RFQ order form view RFQ order pivot view RFQ order search view RFQ order graph view Picking order list view Picking order kanban view Picking order form view Picking order pivot view Picking order search view Picking order graph view
Product Internal Reference Generator
Auo Internal Reference Generator Make Internal Reference Default Module Auto Generate Product Name Auto Generate Reference Number Generate Sequence Reference No Create Category Wise Reference No Custom Internal Reference No Auto Generate Internal Reference Number Auto Generate Internal Reference No Automatic Generate Internal Reference Number Automatic Generate Internal Reference No Odoo customize product internal reference number customize internal reference no customize internal reference number custom internal reference no custom internal reference number Auto internal reference Automatic internal reference
Manage Invoices From Picking
Auto Invoice From Picking Bill From Picking Bill From Incoming Orders Bills From Shipment Invoice From Shipment Invoice From Delivery Order auto invoice on received products auto invoice validate from picking To Bill Picking To Invoice Odoo Separate Invoices From Delivery Order Separate Bills From Incoming Orders Separate Invoices From Picking Order Separate Bills From Picking Order invoice from incoming shipment Vendor bill from Incoming Shipment Customer Invoice from Delivery Order Vendor Bill from Delivery Order Generate Bill from Picking Generate Invoice from Picking Auto Invoice on received goods Automatic Invoice from Picking Automatic Bill from Picking Auto Invoice From Receipt Customer Invoice from Receipt Vendor Bill from Receipt Single Order from Delivery Order
Login As Other User
Login As Another User Login As Impersonate User Login As Admin Users Login As Super User Login As Portal User Login Without ID Multiple Switch Users Access Odoo Without Login As Different User Odoo Another User Login As Other Users Admin Users Administrator Super User Portal User Portal Hijack Login with Any User Quick Login Quick any User Login Log in As Another User Log in As Impersonate User Log in As Admin Users Log in As Super User Log in As Portal User Log in Without ID Log in As Different User Odoo Another User Log in As Other Users Log in with Any User Quick Log in Quick any User Log in As Other User
Product Brand Management
Manage Brand Products Search Brand Wise Product Filter Product By Brand Select Brand Product Group By Product Brands Choose Brand Product Get Particular Brand Product Assign Products Brand Odoo
Integrazione WhatsApp Odoo
Integra Odoo con WhatsApp per utilizzare il servizio di messaggistica
Whatsapp Extended | Odoo Meta WhatsApp Graph API | Odoo V17 Enterprise Edition
Odoo Whatsapp Extended module is extended version of whatsapp enterprise
Invia documenti da firmare online e gestisci documenti compilati
Tracciare, dare priorità e risolvere i ticket dei clienti
Gestione orari dei dipendenti
Pubblicazione eventi, vendita biglietti
Chat, posta elettronica e canali privati
Rubrica degli indirizzi centralizzata
Programma le riunioni dei dipendenti
Assistenza sul campo
Programma e tiene traccia di operazioni sul posto, tempi e materiale
Marketing social
Gestisce visitatori social network e sito web
Valuta i tuoi dipendenti
Parco veicoli
Gestione parco veicoli e costi auto
Crea e valuta richieste di approvazione
Automazione marketing
Crea campagne di invio e-mail automatiche
Tutto quello che ti serve per fare il consolidamento finanziario
Chat con i visitatori del sito web
Permetti alle persone di prenotare riunioni nella tua agenda
Invia i tuoi sondaggi o condividili in tempo reale.
Gestione delle presenze dei dipendenti
SMS Marketing
Creazione, invio e monitoraggio SMS
Codice a barre
Utilizzare lettori di codici a barre per elaborare le operazioni logistiche
Organizzazione del lavoro con i promemoria
Libro paga
Gestione dei libri paga dei dipendenti
Lavori online
Gestione del processo di reclutamento in rete
Integrazione con Amazon
Importazione ordini Amazon e sincronizzazione consegne
Contratti dipendente

To install this Web App in your iPhone/iPad press and then Add to Home Screen.